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Programs for Schools

Coaching in Schools



Live better.  Teach better.

Looking for a way to support your staff?


Do you want healthy, happy educators working with your students?


Jill offers on-site training and coaching for your staff on developing healthier habits with a clear understanding on the demands educators experience daily.


How is your staff doing?


Do they struggle with having the energy they need to successfully teach and manage their students?


Do they feel exhausted when the day is over?


Stressed?  Overwhelmed?


Need help?

What if I told you there was a better way?


Live better.  Teach better.  

Feel great all year!

Thriving should be the goal 

not just surviving the school year.


Group training and coaching with Jill Shreve, certified teacher and certified holistic health coach.


Currently, Jill is offering the following options:

Inservice/Professional Development

1) Positive Mindset for Educators - 45 minutes

2) Overcome Overwhelm - 45 minutes


Onsite Coaching

1)  Healthier Habits for Educators

Group Coaching Program - 6 sessions @ 60-75 minutes

2) Personalized Support - Coaching Sessions

Individual & Team - 20-30 minute sessions Half or Full Day 


Get more details below 

and book your program today!


Coaching is on-site, at your school,

designed for both certified and/or classified staff.

No travel expenses within 30 miles from Albany, Oregon.






 Staff Training
Positive Mindset for Educators
45 minutes
As your staff returns for the year, they are all coming with different mindsets, expectations, experiences, and beliefs. 
Learn more...
Healthier  Educators
Coaching Program
6+ Sessions  |  Coaching 
Healthier Habits for Educators


Working in schools is demanding work.  We need to develop habits that will help us not just survive the work day but thrive!

Learn more... 

 Staff Training
 Overcome Overwhelm
45 minutes
As your staff returns for the year, they are often overwhelmed with the many tasks to complete before school starts and throughout the year.expectations, experiences, and beliefs. 
Learn more...
Healthier  Educators
Coaching Program
6+ Sessions  |  Coaching 
Healthier Habits for Educators


Working in schools is demanding work.  We need to develop habits that will help us not just survive the work day but thrive!

Learn more... 

Personalized Support
Coaching Program
Individual or Team Coaching
20-30 minute Sessions
Half or Full Day Options

Sometimes we need some support, direction, and encouragement.

Learn more... 

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